Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Discover your Inner Self

A primary function of the dream is to expose the true condition of the dreamer's life. The symbology in dreams represents the different aspects of the dreamer, and more than just the ego-persona the waking life understands. Those things that we consider as negative influences in our lives are often seen in the dream as the 'shadow', the negative side of the personality, inso far as it is the opposite of whatever we have regarded as making a positive contribution to the well-being of our individual lives. Other aspects include the maculine/feminine traits which each of us possess; the wisdom aspect of the psyche, the wise self that lies deep within the psyche; the Self, what many believe to be the spiritual/creative aspect that is available to all who seek to understand the human condition. And with these aspects within the unconscious are the personality traits that form the outside ego-persona as seen by others.


There are many theories about dreams and how they function. From astrology to tarot, psychic readings to clairvoyance, Sigmund Freud to Carl Jung, all kinds of theories have been established in our desire to understand our dreams. In all dream theories we find references to SYMBOLS, the language of dreams. It is how we interpret the symbols that differentiate the various methods of dream interpretation. My approach is scientific, using the psychology of the dream to understand the underlying message within the dream. Freud, Jung, Adler and other pioneers of modern psychology established the dream as a tool to understanding the unconscious mind, and in doing so a path to understanding unrealized aspects about ourselves that lie just beneath the surface. The psychology of dreams attempts to bring about a clearer understanding of who we are as individuals and those things in life that provide, but often prevent us from living happy, harmoneous lives.

Dreams that are nonsense

This blog is about my dreams or ur dreams. Shall it come true. Watch this blog.
And i will tell u about the dreams which are just Pipe Dreams